Join as a Principal Investigator
How do I become a Principal Investigator?
If you currently have funding, submit the application (link below) for review. Scientists and engineers working in the field of astrophysics, astrobiology, planetary science, heliophysics, space instruments, or SETI, with funding can request to have their grant transferred to the SETI Institute. Funded STEM Education professionals are also invited to apply and have their grants transferred.
What kind of proposal support is provided?
To maximize your chances of receiving your next grant, we constantly look for proposal opportunities, review their requirements, and alert you early in the application process. In addition, senior staff are available to review your proposals and offer advice to increase your chances of success.
How am I compensated?
The SETI Institute salaries are competitive with comparable work environments in the Bay Area. Salary levels are based upon work experience, funds available, and other relevant factors. Additionally, the SETI Institute offers a generous benefits package that includes full coverage of medical, dental, and vision insurance for employee and all dependents, 8% 403(b) retirement contribution (after 1 year of employment), vacation and sick leave away from work.
What is your indirect cost rate?
The SETI Institute was founded on the belief that indirect costs should be as low as possible in order to allow more resources to be applied to science and so our indirect cost rate is competitive. One way we achieve this is by affiliating with world-class organizations such as the University of Southern California and the NASA Ames Research Center.
For the most current onsite and offsite indirect cost rates, please contact Debbie Kolyer at dkolyer@seti.org.
Where do I work?
You can work at the SETI Institute’s headquarters in Mountain View, California. Purpose-designed to promote scientific collaboration, this impressive modern space features technology-equipped conference rooms and windowed offices. You can also choose to work at nearby NASA Ames, at collaborator secured space, from your home office or from a remote location.
To be contacted about joining the SETI Institute as a Principal Investigator, please completely fill out the form below.

Without current funding? Apply to be an Affiliate
The SETI Institute’s Affiliates program provides an opportunity for qualified researchers interested in supporting our science mission, to submit proposals through the SETI Institute to government funding agencies, private foundations, and private partners. The program is designed for researchers who wish to further their future research as a member of the SETI Institute. After successful submission and selection of a research proposal, and once funding is available, Affiliates will be considered as potential employees at the Institute.
The SETI Institute can provide temporary workspace by request, at our Mountain View HQ for proposal preparation or pre-submittal consultation. Requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
How do I become an Affiliate?
Submit the application (link below) for review. Scientists and engineers working in the field of astrophysics, astrobiology, planetary science, heliophysics, space instruments, SETI, or in the field of STEM education research, may become Affiliates, and submit proposals.
Note that affiliation with the SETI Institute does not guarantee employment. As an affiliate, you cannot use the term as your title in your correspondence or in your publications. The term “Affiliate” is only a means for you to write proposals through the SETI Institute. You will remain an affiliate and continue to write proposals through us until your proposals are selected. Once you have secured funding, you will be considered as a potential employee.
What kind of proposal support is provided?
To maximize your chances of receiving a grant, we constantly look for proposal opportunities, review their requirements, and alert you early in the application process. In addition, senior staff are available to review your proposals and offer advice to increase your chances of success.
What is your indirect cost rate?
When you are ready to submit a proposal, grants administration will provide you with indirect cost rate information.
If you have any further questions, please contact Armine Saroian, Director of Human Resources.
- At the SETI Institute, we take care of administering your grant so that you can spend more time making the next breakthrough in your field.
- Join the SETI Institute, a world-class scientific research institute with over 100 scientists working in more than 24 natural science domains, as well as STEM education, and a top contractor for NASA and the NSF.
- Support and assistance from the SETI Institute’s grants administration team in crafting and submitting your proposal to ensure it has the best chance for success.
- If you currently do not have a funding source, please submit your application to become an affiliate. Once you become an affiliate and your proposal is selected for funding, you may be considered for employment at the Institute as a PI.
Note: for information regarding open positions, visit https://www.seti.org/jobs