Designer of Experiences honored by Wired Magazine.

Photo: Nick Ballon
She directs the International Space Orchestra and works as designer of experiences for the SETI Institute – and now Nelly ben Hayoun has won a prestigious award from Wired magazine.
For the first time, this prestigious tech publication has chosen a dozen people for their Wired Innovation Fellowships. These are given to individuals who “have the potential to make a significant impact on the world” in science, technology, design, and culture.
According to Wired, Nelly is “on a mission to bring chaos, subversion, and disorder into the design and scientific world.”
The 12 Fellows:
- Emiliano Kargieman, founder and CEO of Satellogic, which aims to launch a network of low-orbit satellites that gives "an image of any place on Earth in high resolution and in real time".
- Nelly Ben Hayoun, director of The International Space Orchestra, and designer of experiences at the SETI Institute, Ben Hayoun has been called the "Willy Wonka of design and science" and is on a mission to bring chaos, subversion, and disorder into the design and the scientific world.
- Nina Tandon, CEO and cofounder of EpiBone, the world's first company growing living human bones for skeletal reconstruction.
- Skylar Tibbits, director of the Self-Assembly Lab in MIT's Department of Architecture, who is spearheading 4D printing, where the fourth dimension is time, with the aim of creating objects that can then reshape or self-assemble themselves.
- Ionut Alexandru Budisteanu, University of Bucharest, who has used artificial intelligence to help blind people to see with their tongues, as well as designing an autonomous car with a mounted camera to identify traffic lanes, curbs, cars, and people.
- Jennifer Broutin Farah, founder and CEO of SproutsIO, which is leading the development of new technologies that redefine our interactions with food, via a futuristic in-home garden controlled by a mobile app.
- Rachel Wingfield, founder and creative director at Loop.pH, a collaborative spatial laboratory operating at the convergence of design, architecture, and science, who speculates on near and far future scenarios that explore emerging biological and technological futures that could impact society and the world at large.
- Mina Girgis, ethnomusicologist and entrepreneur who specialises in curating and producing innovative musical collaborations across diverse styles, and who explores new ways to design environments conducive to learning, making, and experiencing music. He has also created the Nile Project, an initiative to inspire, educate, and empower university students to work together to foster the sustainability of the Nile ecosystem.
- Dhairya Dand, researcher at the MIT Media Lab, whose work focuses on creating objects and platforms that augment senses and emotions, incite curiosity and serendipity, and explore intersections of mythology and science fiction. Creations have included shoes that tickle, an elastic 2.5D display that can be pinched and pulled, ice cubes which know how much the consumer drinks, and toys made from e-waste.
- Joel Jackson, British social entrepreneur and founder of Mobius Motors, who moved to Kenya to design, manufacture, and sell highly functional and affordable off-road vehicles aimed to mobilise the developing world.
- Uma Ramakrishnan, assistant professor, National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, Bangalore, whose focus is on whether there is a future for biodiversity in the Indian subcontinent.
- Sandesh Reddy, chef and ideator, who has created Kichin, an on demand mobile platform that brings fresh food closer to diners, by identifying likes and dislikes, enabling them to make a conscious purchase of food to suit a mood or dietary requirement.
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