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Expedition to the Total Eclipse of the Sun, Day 3

Expedition to the Total Eclipse of the Sun, Day 3

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DAY 3:

Bill Diamond, SETI Institute CEO, along with colleagues and scientists are on their way on an expedition to see the Total Eclipse of the Sun happening on December 4, 2021. Today is the 3rd day out at sea en route to the South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, everyone on board is preparing and getting some tips on photography for the wonders that await.

Follow us on these daily vlogs and join in on this once in a lifetime experience.

Follow Bill's vlogs
DAY 1:
DAY 2:
DAY 4:
DAY 5:
DAY 6:
DAY 7:
DAY 8:
DAY 9:

Interview with Dr. Shadia Habbal on the purpose of this expedition:

Interview with Dr. Madhulika Guhathakurta on her perspective on these eclipse observations:…






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