April Davis
MiraCosta College
Mentor: Janice Bishop
Project: Clay Minerals at Mawrth Vallis: Using Reflectant Spectroscopy to Refine the Chemistry of Mars
MiraCosta College
Mentor: Janice Bishop
Project: Clay Minerals at Mawrth Vallis: Using Reflectant Spectroscopy to Refine the Chemistry of Mars

El-Iza El Henson
Sacramento State University
Mentor: Cynthia Phillips
Project: Europan Topographic analysis using DEM (Digital Elevation Maps) produced through stereogrammetry
Sacramento State University
Mentor: Cynthia Phillips
Project: Europan Topographic analysis using DEM (Digital Elevation Maps) produced through stereogrammetry

Frank Garcia
Cal Poly Pomona
Mentor: Gerry Harp
Project: Using Radio Astronomy to observe Blazars and the Galactic Center
Cal Poly Pomona
Mentor: Gerry Harp
Project: Using Radio Astronomy to observe Blazars and the Galactic Center

Rachel Hatch
Cal Poly Pomona
Mentor: Cristina Dalle Ore
Project: Using Cassini Data to Analyze Surface Conditions on Enceladus via Infrared Spectroscopy: The Process of Creating Mosaics and More
Cal Poly Pomona
Mentor: Cristina Dalle Ore
Project: Using Cassini Data to Analyze Surface Conditions on Enceladus via Infrared Spectroscopy: The Process of Creating Mosaics and More

Deborah Hernandez
Cal Poly Pomona
Mentor: Ginny Gulick
Project: Gullies on Mars: Fluvial Geologic Processes as evidence for liquid water on Mars
Cal Poly Pomona
Mentor: Ginny Gulick
Project: Gullies on Mars: Fluvial Geologic Processes as evidence for liquid water on Mars

Beth Johnson
San Jose State University
Mentor: Peter Jenniskens
Project: CAMS: January - February 2013
San Jose State University
Mentor: Peter Jenniskens
Project: CAMS: January - February 2013

Serge Ossipian
Cal Poly Pomona
Mentor: Adrian Brown
Project: Metamophism of snow grains within a snowpack in the northern region of Mars
Cal Poly Pomona
Mentor: Adrian Brown
Project: Metamophism of snow grains within a snowpack in the northern region of Mars

Alec Vinson
Cal Poly Pomona
Mentor: Uma Gorti
Project: Modeling Emission Lines and Dust around T Cha
Cal Poly Pomona
Mentor: Uma Gorti
Project: Modeling Emission Lines and Dust around T Cha

Jill Walker
Cal Poly Pomona
Mentor: Richard Quinn
Project: Organics Exposure in Orbit (OREOcube): an International Space Station Astrobiology Experiment
Cal Poly Pomona
Mentor: Richard Quinn
Project: Organics Exposure in Orbit (OREOcube): an International Space Station Astrobiology Experiment

Danielle Young Smith
Barnard College
Mentor: Oana Marcu
Project: Adaptations to Heat Stress in the Unicellular Alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Barnard College
Mentor: Oana Marcu
Project: Adaptations to Heat Stress in the Unicellular Alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii