LaserSETI Updates

IfA Re-energized

2 days 20 hours ago
After much work, coordination, and patience, the summit of Haleakala has been reenergized since the fire forced them to cut power. It’s always nice to reconnect and find healthy instruments, ready to do science! The bad news is we won’t be doing any observing tonight, given the weather. Oh well. At least it’s a beautiful […]

New LaserSETI Observatory in Sedona, AZ

1 week 2 days ago
Exciting news for LaserSETI! Two new LaserSETI stations will be installed this weekend in Sedona, Arizona. Although the current installations in California and Hawai’i observe almost 20% of the sky at one time, that will go up dramatically with the new observatory. You can see here how the LaserSETI team has been hard at work […]
Lauren Sgro

Fire Shuts Down Haleakala Again

2 weeks ago
We lost power to the summit of Haleakala at approximately 9am Pacific, when Maui Fire Dept requested de-energization to prevent further ignitions and risk to personnel. They’re currently projecting power to remain off through Saturday night. Thus far, no injuries and structural damages were due to the fire, which is located at around the 7,000-foot […]

Newly Re-EmPowered

2 months 1 week ago
We lost power at the summit of Haleakala today. Looks like planned electrical work, as it was from roughly 9am to 5pm Hawaiian time. I know MECO/Hawaiian Electric has some infrastructure upgrades to do, so this is a Good Thing if it means we avoid more multi-week outages in the future when big storms hit. […]

Speaking to Humpbacks in Their Language

2 months 1 week ago
Humans have taught other species signals and words for millennia. Some of us have even barked back at a dog, meowed at cat, or mooed at a cow, wondering what–if anything–they understood from our attempt to reach them. Being able to communicate with another species in its own language has always eluded humanity and been […]
34 minutes 9 seconds ago
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