Peter Jenniskens, a meteor astronomer with the SETI Institute, reports that the southern hemisphere CAMS networks detected two new meteor showers on 2020 May 15-17.
The networks do a video surveillance of the night sky and by triangulation calculate the direction from which meteoroids approach Earth. The figure above shows the approach directions on those days (full interactive maps are at http://cams.seti.org/FDL/ ). Meteor showers are the "blobs" in this graph, groups of meteoroids approaching from the same direction.
The two new showers were reported to the IAU Meteor Data Center and are now added to the IAU Working List of Meteor Showers as showers number 1034 and 1035. A telegram was issued today by the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams.
Both showers are caused by meteoroids from unknown long-period comets. The most southern shower, now called the sigma Phoenicids, is compact, suggesting it was created by a long-period comet that can pass close to Earth's orbit. Most detected sigma Phoenicids were seen during a period of only 12 hours on May 16.
Website for the IAU Working List:
CBET telegrams: