Robert French

Research Scientist
Disciplines: Planetary Sciences
Degree/Major: M.S., Astronomy, 2010, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Curriculum vitae: download
rfrench@seti.orgRobert French studies the rings and moons of the outer planets of our solar system - their origin, evolution, and eventual demise. Over the past ten years at the SETI Institute, he has investigated recent changes in Saturn's F ring, analyzed the (in)stability of the inner Uranian satellites, and co-discovered a moon of Neptune. In addition to his research, Robert is a Co-I on the Ring-Moon Systems Node of the Planetary Data System, where he leads the effort to develop and maintain OPUS , the Outer Planets Unified Search tool. He recently completed a multi-year project to deduce precise spacecraft pointing information from all 400,000 Cassini ISS images of Saturn and its environment to ease the workload of future researchers.
Robert French's Cosmic Diary Blog
Robert French on Research Gate
SETI Colloquium: Saturn's F Ring
NASA Web Feature: Bright Clumps in Saturn Ring Now Mysteriously Scarce
SETI Institute Press Release: Moonlets Created and Destroyed in a Ring of Saturn