NASA’s Astronomy Activation Ambassadors Program

observatory and students in classroom

The SETI Institute’s Astronomy Activation Ambassadors (AAA) is one of more than 25 education projects selected in 2015 by NASA’s Science Mission Directorate for Science Activation (SciAct) funding. SciAct’s focus is on more effectively engaging learners of all ages with NASA science experts, content, and experiences.

The AAA program’s primary goal is to measurably enhance student STEM achievement and engagement in selected school districts via professional development for Middle School, High School, and Community College science instructors.

The AAA program works directly with schools and districts that have needs the AAA program can address. Participants are selected via a competitive peer-review recommendation plus collaborative processes between schools/districts and the AAA team.

AAA teacher training includes:

  1. Blended-learning professional development comprised of webinars, asynchronous content learning, and a hands-on curriculum workshop;
  2. A STEM immersion experience at NASA’s IRTF (Infrared Telescope Facility) on Mauna Kea, Hawai`i, plus visits to other world-class observatories;
  3. Optional: Ongoing participation in the AAA Community of Practice, connecting participants with each other and with astrophysics & planetary science subject matter experts after their program-based training is completed.

Following the STEM immersion experience, AAA program staff provide support to teachers to implement a NASA-oriented, Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)-aligned electromagnetic spectrum and infrared astronomy curriculum module developed by the SETI Institute.

An independent evaluation of the 2017-18 AAA program demonstrated large, statistically significant student gains in standards-based learning and positive changes in attitudes towards STEM subjects and careers. The evaluation report is linked here.

AAA is funded by NASA SMD Cooperative Agreement NNX16AC51A.


* Dr. Dana E. Backman            * Coral Clark          

Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors Cycle 11 (2022) Application

Click here if you are applying as a Middle School or High School teacher.

Click here if you are applying as a Community College instructor.