HCRO - Operational Data Sharing (ODS)

Operational Data Sharing (ODS)

Enable dynamic spectrum sharing with satellite networks.

In an effort to mitigate radio frequency interference of radio telescopes on Earth from satellites that beam RF toward Earth, this service provides information about current and near future observations of participating radio telescopes such as where their antennas are pointing and at what frequencies they are observing. Satellite operators can dynamically query for this information in order to reconfigure any satellites that may interfere with the observations.


200 Successful Operation - Returns array of JSON objects with these attributes:

Attribute Type Format Example Description
site_id string   vla_D Identifier of the observatory/instrument. In the example '_D' indicates HCRO 'D' configuration.
site_lat_deg number decimal-degrees +/- DDD.D 34.07874917 the latitude of the observatory/instrument
site_lon_deg number decimal-degrees +/- DDD.D -107.6177275 the longitude of the observatory/instrument
site_el_m number decimal-meters 2124 the elevation of the observatory/instrument
src_id string   J1056+7011 identifier of source/target observed during time interval
src_is_pulsar_bool boolean   false true = src is a pulsar, false = src is not a pulsar
corr_integ_time_sec number decimal-seconds 3 correlator integration time in seconds (if 'src_is_pulsar_bool'=false)
src_ra_j2000_deg number decimal-degrees 70.88181332916666 right ascension of the source/target
src_dec_j2000_deg number decimal-degrees 34.68518446944444 declination of the source/target
src_radius number decimal-degrees 0.0034 radius of beam around the source/target
src_start_utc date-time   2023-08-16T15:23:47.000541 start time of this observing interval
src_end_utc date-time   2023-08-16T15:26:16.000723 end time of this observing interval
slew_sec number decimal-seconds 130.8 the time taken for the array to reach the source (counted from 'src_start_utc')
trk_rate_dec_deg_per_sec number decimal-degrees per second 0 declination tracking rate of src (if not sideral)
trk_rate_ra_deg_per_sec number decimal-degrees per second 0 right ascension tracking rate of src (if not sideral)
freq_lower_hz number decimal-Hz 600000000 lower limit frequency used during this interval
freq_upper_hz number decimal-Hz 4000000000 upper limit frequency used during this interval
notes string   inAdv:True notes that add context to the data

Error Responses

  • 404 Resource Not Available
  • 500 Internal Server Error

HCRO Operational Data Sharing in TARDyS4 format: https://www.seti.org/sites/default/files/HCRO/ods.json

Contact: Alexander Pollak

Acknowledgement: The ODS system was developed by NRAO with support from National Science Foundation's SII NRDZ: Dynamic Protection and Spectrum Monitoring for Radio Observatories (AST- 2232159) and SWIFT-SAT (AST-2332422) grants. This work is a collaboration with NSF, NRAO, SETI, HCRO, UC-Berkeley and CU-Boulder with the support of the NSF Hat Creek Radio Observatory National Radio Dynamic Zone (HCRO-NRDZ) project, NSF award #2139964; and the NSF SII-NRDZ: Radio Astronomy Dynamic Satellite Interference-Mitigation and Spectrum Sharing (RADYSISS) project, NSF award #2232368.