Puerto de Ideas: VI Festival de Ciencia


Tags: Astrobiology, Outreach

Time: 12 - 14 April 2019 -

Location: Antofagasta, Chile

The Festivals of Valparaíso and Antofagasta congregate for three days, bringing national and international experts together to share and present their thinking, theories, ideas, research, and creations to a massive and transversal public.

Both festivals have a multidisciplinary spirit, since they promote the integration and convergence of the knowledge of diverse disciplines such as literature, history, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, art, mathematics, and neuroscience, among many others.

Thanks to the festival, our country has welcomed renowned intellectuals and experts recognized worldwide, many of them recipients of National Awards, the Nobel Prize, Prince of Asturias, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Grammy, Pulitzer, and more.

Each festival has a particular character: Puerto de Ideas Valparaíso -which began in 2011- deals with creative processes and how ideas are gestated. The Antofagasta Science Festival, which has been held since 2014, seeks to contribute to the consolidation of Antofagasta as the city of scientific dissemination par excellence in Chile and to promote the idea that science is everywhere, and that it is not the privilege of scientists or scholars.

Nathalie Cabrol, astrobiologist and Director of the Carl Sagan Center at the SETI Institute, will present Looking for life beyond earth. 

For more information, visit http://puertodeideas.cl/en/home-antofagasta-2019-en-2/.