ASpekt 2021


ASpekt 2021


Time: 17 - 19 September 2021 -

Location: Online and Lübeck, Germany

Are you interested in astronomical spectroscopy?
Do you want to know what and how?
Are you experienced in astrospectroscopy?
Do you want to share your results and knowledge?

The spectroscopy section of Vereinigung der Sternfreunde eV and Arbeitskreis Sternfreunde Lübeck eV invite everyone interested in astrospectroscopy and related areas to the annual ASpekt conference.

The conference offers the ideal platform for beginners, advanced and professionals for a personal exchange about spectroscopy in astronomy. Be there!

SETI Institute scientists Franck Marchis and Thomas Esposito will be participating.

Note: Registration is required to participate in this event.